Coaching in Bulgaria Overview
Coaching in Bulgaria was pioneered by Katrin and Brian Prentice, Master Distributors of Noble Manhattan Coaching, who introduced the first internationally accredited coach training programs, laying the foundation for the country’s coaching culture. Key milestones include:
May 2011: The first introduction to coaching event was held, marking the beginning of coaching in Bulgaria and the launch of the first accredited coach training programs. Noble Manhattan Bulgaria played a transformative role in the industry, producing many top names in the coaching landscape through its excellent training and support.
2012: The Coaching Support Group was established in Bulgaria.
2013: The Sofia Coaching Support Group significantly impacted the business world. Monthly meetings introduced coaching to the Bulgarian business community, with thousands of thought leaders and professionals attending sessions organized by Noble Manhattan Bulgaria. This initiative reshaped the social and business landscape in the country.
- April: “The Coaching Fundamentals Certificate,” the first internationally accredited coach training program in Bulgaria, was launched.
- September: The first Masterclass with Coaching Supervision and Mentoring for Applied Coaching Competencies was introduced. This program continues to run today, making it the longest continuous supervised coaching masterclass in Noble Manhattan’s history and across Europe.
- Noble Manhattan Bulgaria was nominated Company of the Year for Contribution to Coaching in Bulgaria.
- Katrin Prentice was nominated Business Woman of the Year for her contributions to the coaching industry in Bulgaria.
- The Coaching in Bulgaria team at Noble Manhattan, led by Katrin and Brian Prentice, translated and launched the Practitioner Coach Diploma program entirely in Bulgarian. This initiative was pivotal in establishing coaching language and terminology within the country, further developing Bulgaria’s coaching industry.
- Katrin Prentice became the first Accredited Master Coach in Bulgaria. She is accredited by the International Institute of Professional Coaching and Mentoring (IAPC&M). For more information, visit IAPC&M.
2018: The masterclass, initially held in Sofia, expanded to Skopje, becoming the coaching hub for the Balkans. Representatives from Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, and Bulgaria attended the monthly meetings. When the pandemic hit, the masterclass transitioned online, continuing to serve coaches across Europe and occasionally beyond, depending on time zone constraints.
2019 and 2018: Katrin Prentice received the Award for Leading Coach in Bulgaria for her outstanding care toward her clients and commitment to coaching excellence.
2020: Brian and Katrin Prentice were invited to sit on the International Board for Coaching Quality Compliance at Noble Manhattan Global. They participate in training new mentor-coaches and creating policies to ensure adherence to the highest standards of the coaching industry.
Katrin and Brian Prentice, as leaders of the Noble Manhattan team Palitri, have pioneered the professional coach training industry not only in Bulgaria but also in Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia, and other regions. They have trained many of the first and leading coaches in these areas through the innovative training methodologies of Noble Manhattan Coaching and their personal commitment to coaching excellence.
For more information about Noble Manhattan Coaching from a global perspective, visit Noble Manhattan Coaching.